There is nothing more fitting than seeing a group of monks standing together about to perform Handel’s Hallelujah chorus. However, there was something very special about this performance by the South Kitsap High School students back in 2008.
In Washington State, USA, these creative students performed an entertaining and comedic version of Handel’s Hallelujah chorus that would eventually go viral all over the internet. In the video, you can see how much effort had gone into the timing of this performance. Also, towards the end, you can hear a very proud dad shouting in support. Below is another performance of the same song by the monks!
What Is The “Hallelujah Chorus”
The Hallelujah Chorus is a well known piece, which suits many voices, in the Messiah by George Frederick Handel. The audience should always stand while the Hallelujah Chorus is being sung, by tradition, because King George II did this at the first London performance of the Messiah in 1743.
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Nimble Nuns Take On Dance Challenge And Nail It!
Meet the Soli Sisters from Ontario Canada. When these sisters aren’t teaching the catholic faith or caring for the elderly, they’re taking on modern dance challenges just to help raise everyone’s spirits!
They posted the video below to YouTube with the caption, “Sharing our joy and hope in Christ despite a pandemic. Rejoice in the Lord always! Alleluia, Alleluia! Happy Eastertide from the SOLI Sisters!”. Their dance has received over 3.5 million views on YouTube alone and garnered some very positive feedback from people all around the world!
Want More Dancing Nuns?
Nobody could have known just how popular the “Jerusalema Challenge” would become, and I’m sure nobody would have thought members of the Catholic Church spanning from Brazil to Ireland would create their own brilliant entry to the craze, but they have, and it’s awesome!
These women haven’t just been practising their faith recently…they’ve been learning the moves to a popular dance trend. After videoing their challenge and uploading it to the internet, they quickly became a viral sensation themselves! Watch their dance in the video below.