Bass Player Plays 24-String Bass Guitar Reaching 31M Views

Who Is Davie504?

Youtuber Davide Biale, more commonly known by his YouTube handle, Davie504, is not your average bass player. He started playing bass in his high school days, being a big Kiss fan, he took to bass after following his inspiration Gene Simmons.

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Back in early 2011 Biale created his YouTube channel under the name Davie504, which he used as a launch pad for some very unconventional covers. These include covering the Red Hot Chilli Peppers with, well, a chilli pepper and Korn with corn. As part of his connection with his now mind boggling 9 million subscribers, he takes requests from them to challenge his bass playing skills, one of which saw him take on a five-hour, uninterrupted bass solo, which the mere thought makes my hands hurt.

Biale is truly an individual talent in the realm of bass guitar players, even tackling a technically advanced riff which artist Deadmau5 thought was impossible. Biale is a bit of a deadpan character, but in the best sense. His purposeful manner in which he behaves on his videos always brings a smile due to the comedic nature of his personality. He is light-hearted and yet at the same time, feux-serious. He is never afraid to take on challenges which some musicians would look at and either dismiss or pass on, due to the complexity of the challenge.

Biale released a video in November 2017 which features him tackling the “Godzilla” bass guitar. The “Godzilla” for those who don’t know is a huge 24 string bass guitar, which is a one of a kind in the world. It’s safe to say that Biale is a natural, his fingers flying up and down the frets as if the beast of a bass was a common or garden four string. Biale manages to make the solo performance look seamless, sporting a leather jacket and a smirk on his face he smashes out a truly awesome funk solo, switching up between finger plucking, strumming and slapping.

Biale is an artist deserving of his huge following and has a close relationship with his 9 million strong following, who he calls “Slappers” after the classic slap bass style.

After having a YouTube career that has lasted a decade, he has put his heart and soul into his performances which are clearly shown through his use of music as a method of connecting with his audience.

If you would like to watch more from this bass playing maestro, subscribe to his YouTube channel or follow his Facebook page.

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