This is the heartwarming story of a little boy named Rayce who sings to his baby brother. When our kids are born, we hope that if we achieve nothing else, we shape them into kind, compassionate human beings.
Parents Nicola Powell and JJ Grieve recently learned they had done just that. When they found Nicola was pregnant with the newest member of their family, the couple were thrilled. Unfortunately, before long, they received devastating news.
During a scan, it was revealed that baby Tripp had health issues that would severely impact his quality of life. It was so severe, in fact, the doctors recommended terminating the pregnancy. Their response to that was unwavering, “They recommended we terminate the pregnancy, and I said absolutely not.” said Mr Grieve. Time showed that parents know best, little Tripp’s health steadily improved. Eventually, he was born with one extra chromosome, which gave him Downs Syndrome.
Before Tripp was born, Nicole and JJ spoke to their other children, fearing they may be ashamed of him because he was different. Rayce proved what a special little boy he was when he piped up, “Aren’t we all different?” That’s when they knew that little Tripp would be accepted by his brothers.
Since that day, Tripp has been a wonderful addition to this happy family. One gorgeous moment posted by Nicole has stolen the heart of the internet. One of Rayce’s favourite ways to bond with his baby brother is to cuddle him in his arms and sing to him. The video shows him singing the song 10,000 miles which was made famous by Justin Bieber and Dan + Shay. Proud mum Nicole shared it with the caption:
“This is how Rayce bonds with Tripp. He sings to him all the time. He swears this song is about him and his brother. He’s singing, “I’d spend 10,000 hours, and 10,000 more if that’s what it takes to learn that sweetheart of yours. I might never get there but I’m going to try if it’s 10,000 hours or the rest of my life, I’m going to love you.”
“Love doesn’t count chromosomes, or as Rayce says, “Aren’t we all different?”???#DownSyndrome #NothingDownAboutIt #Brotherlylove #ProudMomma”
This beautiful video has now been viewed and shared more than 44,000 times in just a week. If you’re having a bad week or worrying about the state of the world, check it out. You’ll be glad you did.