This Whacky AGT Audition By The TT Brothers Is Guaranteed To Make You Smile

If you’re a Music Man reader you may well also be a fan of America’s Got Talent, a competition that is particularly well known for the slew of singers, dancers, and impressionists it has given exposure to over the years. A few weeks ago, however, an act who didn’t fit into any of these three categories took to the AGT stage. They were Japanese duo the TT Brothers, whose aptitude for finding T-poses in every possible situation meant that they can only be described as a unique novelty act.

Running onstage wearing identical bowl haircuts and white outfits that featured T-shirts with a huge ‘T’ in the middle, the duo’s act started with a bizarre T-themed entrance tune whilst the brothers made the shape of the letter with their arms, prompting one confused audience member to ask her friends “what is going on?”. Things didn’t get any less weird either, with the pair acting out real-life situations in which people might accidentally make t-poses, like when you stretch after waking up.

At one point they even got host Terry Crews involved, encouraging him to join them onstage to do a T-pose dance because his first name began with the letter. Surprisingly, once the act got into its stride the audience seemed to love it, clapping and cheering every time the brothers struck a T-pose (which was quite a lot). Judge Howie Mandel called them “terrific,” whilst Simon Cowell eventually decided they were “hilarious,” saying that somebody should make a movie about their act.

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A TT Brothers movie would certainly go down well in their native Japan, where the duo is already immensely popular, having amassed over a million Instagram followers and 2 million YouTube subscribers. And if you don’t believe us, check out this video from their YouTube channel that showcases two-and-a-half minutes of their T-posing talents. From shopping, to bowling, to playing football, these brothers sure have put a lot of work into thinking of situations where you might find the letter ‘T’.

In all honesty, and as many Music Man readers out there will surely agree, the TT Brothers are one of the weirdest acts ever to have graced the America’s Got Talent stage. But their weirdness also makes them incredibly unique, something clearly appreciated by all four judges when they each gave the duo a yes and thus put them through to the next round of the competition. We can only wait in anticipation to see what this wacky but hilarious act has in store for us next!

If you would like to see more of the TT Brothers’ unique performances, you can subscribe to their YouTube Channel for more incredible content.

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