Fourteen-year-old Shea Lui’s Canada’s Got Talent 2022 audition has 16M views. Hang on, Shea Lui, who’s that? Well, we must first note that it’s a well-edited video clip. The scenario plays out like a fairytale, right up to Lui getting her wish of going through to the next round, flamboyantly granted at the end. Even so, the studio magic is dependent on Lui’s stunning performance, her presence beyond her years, and her backstory.
When she was four years old, Shea Lui’s parents emigrated from Hong Kong to Vancouver, BC, Canada. Shea sang from childhood and uploaded music to social media from her tweens. When she performed on CGT, her father was not there. He was in China on business, which was the norm. In the audition video, Shea says that her parents manage to maintain a great relationship. As for her, she misses her father but their bond is unshaken by the distance. For her audition, she performed Jax’s ‘Like My Father’.
The chorus of “Like My Father (I need a man who loves me like my father loves my mom)” is a little old for Shea, but the admiration for her parents’ relationship resonates. And the song suits her. Lynn B comments, “I had never heard this song. Listening to Shea sing it made me cry. She is an awesome young talent. I hope she continues because she would have a great career as a singer. I’m already a fan!” Era says, “I got chills when she started singing, and as a fan of JAX, she needs to see this.”
Rodents of Randomness writes poignantly, “As a fellow 14 year old, this is inspiring. I love to sing and I cannot sing nearly as well as her. I also wish my parents had as good a relationship as hers. Unfortunately, I come from a dysfunctional family but I’m glad she’s out here fulfilling her dreams.” Daia’s comment is similarly poignant “As a 75 year old man, I replay and cry everyday. She is incredible and powerful. Love from Taiwan.” Well then, how did Shea do in her next round? Let’s look.
Many viewers have expressed their displeasure with Shea’s styling in the semi-final. Sabey lays it out: “I preferred her natural look in her audition. We lose her essence through this makeup, glitters, and fashion. The contrast between the background and her dress makes them blend together. They even had to put a light frame around her to make sure we focus on the subject!” Moniquek Wilson is more emphatic. “Beautiful Voice. Beautiful Spirit. The makeup artist should reconsider their approach. This girl is so naturally beautiful. The makeup masked that and also stripped away her youthfulness. With that said, I’m ready to buy her album.”
Shea came third in her audition and did not proceed. Shea’s fans attribute this to her styling.