Masaka Kids Africana Dancing Therapy For Orphans

Dancing Therapy For African Orphans

The wonderful smiles you are about to see in this video is a testament to the work of “The Masaka Kids Africana” in Uganda. The Masaka Kids Africana are a wonderfully gifted group of dancers from Masaka, Uganda. The group exists because of an organisation that does unbelievable work for orphans in Uganda.

There are over a million orphaned children in Uganda which is why it is so important that organizations like this exist. However, between making sure the kids are safe, fed and sheltered, they teach them to dance…and it turns out, they’re great at it!

About The Masaka Kids Africana

There are currently more orphans in Uganda than anywhere else on the planet, unfortunately, the figure was estimated to be 1.6 million children in 2012 (source: There are multiple reasons for this including the AIDS pandemic, decades of civil conflict, and extreme poverty in many parts of the country. Talented African Children Take YouTube By Storm Earning Over 516M Views

The mission of the Masaka Kids Africana is to give back to these orphans using the passionate expression of music and dance. However, The Masaka Kids Africana is so much more than just a place for kids to learn to sing and dance. The organisation gives children shelter, food, clothing, medical care, education and keeps the children safe. Their brilliant work has resulted in children gaining an education and ultimately the life skills they need to build a brighter future for themselves.

They’re extremely popular in Uganda with nearly every performance being met with a standing ovation. However, their popularity has spread across the seas and the world, and the story of hope, survival, and love has been traveling with every video they make.

Lots of these children have gone through some of the worst experiences a child could ever face. Using dance, singing, and sharing the love of Uganda, these children find connection with others in a similar situation. The wonderful work the Masaka Kids Africana have done has been seen by many people across the world. In the video underneath, the children create “Dancing Joy Of Togetherness” which is a video with over 63 million views on their YouTube channel.

Masaka Kids started their YouTube channel on the 28th of April 2018. As of (16/10/2020), they have received over 219 million views across all their videos.

Some of the videos of the children dancing to popular songs have gone viral on many social media platforms after capturing the hearts of millions. Their message is a humble one, and one I think we can all take great happiness in.

If you’d like to watch more from these awesome Ugandan dancers, subscribe to their YouTube channel or follow their Facebook page.

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