Rock Pianist Performs in Train Station
Stan Urban, the legendary Rock ‘n’ Roll Pianist, has been seen in a viral video playing at Dundee railway station entertaining commuters and travelers using a public piano.
The Scottish Pianist did a spontaneous performance after spotting the public Yamaha U3 piano at the train station in Dundee. His performance drew in a crowd of admirers and you could see some foot-tapping going on as people walked past. The 75-year-old man (at the time) continued to stun onlookers with his energetic performance and piano skills.
About Stan Urban
Originally from Scotland and born in 1944, Stan has been living in Denmark since 1984. On a summer day in August, Simon Rankin captured the video of Stan after recognising he was a notable performer.
Stan’s professional music career has spanned over 50 years and has seen the pianist play with global names such as Mick Jagger, Gene Vincent, and Chuck Berry. This is a brilliant video of Stan performing “Rock ‘n’ Roll Train” embedded from his official website.
It’s great to see a musician, who has been playing professionally for over 50 years, still not able to resist the temptation to play a public piano during his travels. The passion is real for a pianist like Stan and the respect was evident from everyone there on the day.
If you want to see more from Stan Urban the legendary Rock Pianist, go to his website where you can keep up-to-date with his latest work.