Old-time dancer Miss Moonshine did a rollicking tap dance to some fiery bluegrass music, showing off some real pep in her step for a lady in her 50s. The video has racked up 4.3 million views so far, with viewers lapping up the old-time charm and excellent musicianship on display.
The hoedown is the second most popular video on her channel Miss Moonshine Dance & Music. Viewers said the video brightened up their day and added praise such as “This lady has a lot of talent and a lot of joy!” Check out the feel-good video below.
Miss Moonshine is supported in the video by the four-piece bluegrass act The Yellow Dandies. The video is called “Miss Moonshine buck dances fastest bluegrass fiddle tune ever”. The performance is certainly set at a darn good pace and the talented dame does well to keep up with it, all with a smile on her face.
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Buck dancing is solo step dancing performed to fiddle music in the Southern Appalachians in the United States. Miss Moonshine’s most popular video also features the dance, this time set to the traditional American folk music song “Billy in the Low Ground”. The tempo is set a little more relaxed this time, but Miss Moonshine doesn’t let up at all and puts on a great show, as you can see in the video below.
Both videos were shot at Chomp and Stomp Festival, which is an old-time and bluegrass music event in Atlanta, Georgia. Miss Moonshine explains in the second video’s description that the event honors “the musical tradition of this mill town neighborhood.”
Miss Moonshine’s channel began as a field recording project for old-time music in 2009, showcasing performances from festivals, street shows and other events. In recent years she has monetised the channel and donates the proceeds to a range of charities from her community. Aside from showing how it’s done, Miss Moonshine is also an educator and uploads a variety of videos showing how to buck dance, play folk instruments and on other topics. If you would like to see more from Miss Moonshine, you can subscribe to her YouTube channel.