Levi Schechtmann Classical Pianist With A Modern Style

Levi Schechtmann is a classical pianist from Germany who is redefining classical music as we know it. Levi represents himself mainly on Instagram under the account name “Levi.Sct” and his videos are something very special.

Born in 1999, Levi first started piano lessons when he was just seven years old, he has a lifelong passion for classical music and playing the piano. However, his approach to the instrument and genre is completely unique, so much so, he has almost certainly created his own genre of music which is an eclectic mix of dubstep and classical music.

It’s impossible to know what people in Bach’s time would have thought of Levi’s playing but they would be digesting the same tempo and delivery, but musically, with the bass and drums involved it somehow transforms the music.

The classical remixer has released lots of music through popular streaming platforms. His latest release is a pure classical performance called “Dedication No.1” which you can find on Deezer etc.

He has entered multiple different competitions and as his career has grown his unique delivery of these classical pieces has become nothing short of genius. The competitions Levi has entered include Steinway Competition, Hamburg Instrumental Competition (LTM), Lichtwark Committee Competition (Bergedorf), “Jugend musiziert” and the 6th international music competition for young people in Oldenburg. He is a high achiever in everything he does musically and his musical future is looking exceptionally bright.

Although he is very active on Instagram, there are multiple other social media accounts under his name. Two YouTube channels, a Facebook and even a second Instagram account. We have included credits at the bottom of this page to his YouTube and most active Instagram account.

If you’d like to see more from this classical innovative pianist, follow him on Instagram or subscribe to his YouTube channel.

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