Kyoto High School Marching Band Bring Superior Energy And Skill To The Streets

Quite possibly the most entertaining ‘Brass Band’ in the World! Check them out hard to argue against that statement! These youngsters are quite sensational. The sheer brilliance of their musical and band marching skills has to be seen to be believed.

They bring a great deal of joy and happiness everywhere and every time they perform. There are many of their wonderful videos on this Youtube channel!

Their abbreviated name is ‘Kyoto Tachibana S.H.S. Band’. This being in Japanese: ‘京都橘高等高校 吹奏楽部’ Their full name being ‘Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School Band’.

They are known as given the nickname of the “Orange Devils”. This written in Japanese: ‘オレンジの悪魔)’. They were named the ‘Orange Devils’ because they always wear full orange uniforms when performing and has become their trademark after winning multiple band competitions. If you watch the video below you’ll not be at all surprised!

Whilst working under the guidance of the ‘Green Band Association’ throughout their trips to the United States from 2005 – 2018 they used the name “Kyoto Tachibana High School Green Band” This wonderful band’s motto is: “Full of Energy, Smiles and Dreams” (In Japanese ”Genki Ippai, Egao Ippai, Yume Ippai”).

If you watched the video above and love these guys, maybe you’d like to see more? Make sure you check them out on Youtube. Click here to watch more on Youtube and see many more videos of the band performing in different cities.

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