Beyoncé shocked students doing a dance workout to “Move Your Body” in New York City by crashing their workout and dancing along. The students danced the first minute or so of the song then Beyoncé ran into the gym and started grooving along with them. The kids were from the Don Pedro Albizu Campos School, which is a K-8 public school.
The students’ energy went through the roof when the R&B megastar entered the room and it was a real heartwarming moment. The kids’ squeals of joy and ear-to-ear smiles when she arrived said it all, and Beyoncé’s big grin made it clear she was loving it as much as the kids were. The video quickly went viral when New York radio station WBLS hosted it on their YouTube channel, and the clip has since been viewed a whopping 79 million times. Check it out for yourself below.
Beyoncé and the students danced to “Move Your Body”, which is a reworked version of her song “Get Me Bodied” from her second solo studio album B’Day. The star rejigged the Platinum hit specifically for the national Let’s Move! campaign. Let’s Move! was organised by First Lady Michelle Obama and the National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation to help fight child obesity by promoting physical activity.
As you can see in the clip, “Move Your Body” tweaks the lyrics of the song to include instructions for a fun workout routine, with lots of jumping, running and high energy movement. Now we all know doing a workout can be a bit of a chore, so you gotta hand it to Beyoncé for finding a way to make it fun for kids. The singer made an official video of the song, complete with a group workout, which you can watch below.
Funnily enough the lo-fi version with Beyoncé dancing with the students in the gym has more than double the views of the high budget official video, which still clocked in at a respectable 36 million views.