Cornel and Rithika are a truly talented professional dance couple based out of Mumbai. The couple specialise in the style of Sensual Bachata, a popular social dance originating from the Dominican Republic, but now widely danced the world over.
The couple two-stepped into the limelight in 2016 when they posted their own interpretive Bachata styled dance, to the cover of Elastic Heart by Conor Maynard. In the video they begin in closed position, tightly interweaved in each other’s arms. They open and perform a seductive eight step routine that is typical of the Caribbean dance.
The pair show amazing chemistry and intensity, truly bringing out the spirit of the intimate style. Cornel and Rithika’s YouTube video has since gone on to achieve a jaw-dropping 28 million views, achieving the couple’s goal of bringing the Sensual Bachata into the spotlight. Watch the video of the couple performing the mesmerizing routine here.
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The Bachata has many variations depending on location, these can vary from the Authentic Dominican style, as western dance styles have interposed their own twist on the dance. The Bachata has a long history of being a highly social dance, involving the couples completing a three step-tap style.
The Sensual Bachata’s closed position is typically the most “romantic” of the positions, which Cornel and Rithika expertly use to convey their emotionally charged routines. The Bachata also has variations such as Bachatango, Moderna and Ballroom Style.
The couple have a loyal following of 592,000 followers on their YouTube channel where they showcase their stunning performances. The couple recently released a video of them dancing to a Bachata remixed version of DJ Khalid’s “ADMV.” The video shows Cornel and Rithika dancing together in both open and close positions, with a more upbeat style and pace to their routine. The couple weave in and out of each other’s arms, crossing over and making full use of the floor space.
The couple genuinely seem to share a passion for dancing with each other, their smiles and body language indicate a relationship reflective of a couple that have been dancing together for a long time. The video has only been out for a short while at the time of writing this article and has already garnered over 54,000 views. You can see this exquisite dance performance in this video. Cornel and Rithika are truly dedicated practitioners of dance.
If you’d like to watch more from this talented dancing couple, subscribe to their YouTube channel or follow their Facebook page.